Donne X strada
Donne X Strada
At the dawn of their third year anniversary – it actually was last June, Laura, Beatrice, Ilaria, Bianca and Caterina, can finally celebrate the strong and extremely quick descent to success of DONNExSTRADA – which literally translates to ‘women on the streets’. The non-profit organisation these five young women created working with vigorous purpose, and noble dedication for the past 3 years.
They kicked off a journey through rocky roads driven by the urge of making a difference: to answer the call of all people in need of a support system, with a wish to feel safe on the streets, and the necessity to defend their right to gender equality, in a country that still has too many cultural patriarchal dogmas to be broken. The reality of the situation today is that there is an infinite list of environments – both private & public, that lack the skill-set to deal with today’s gender equality & safety related issues.
Having thoroughly powdered the basic info regarding the DONNExSTRADA organisation, we wanted to dig a little deeper, try and discover a bit of who these 5 wonder-girls are, and what they’re really about.
How did you five meet?
In 2021, Laura created the instagram page for DONNExSTRADA for the first time. The account rapidly went viral, reaching 80,000 followers in just a few days. Laura needed a hand, and among various spontaneous applications she found us. I personally had already seen her around, but when I wrote to DONNExSTRADA asking if they needed help, I didn’t know she was the mastermind behind the whole thing – it was the most beautiful surprise. I still remember the first video call meeting during which I met Bianca, Ilaria and Caterina, and the first aperitivo where we got to meet in person. We all knew that something important was starting, we could feel that joy mixed with anxiety, that feeling that things would turn out well, and all of us had a very strong will to do better – That’s something one doesn’t forget easily.
Beatrice (Secretary & treasurer @DONNExSTRADA)
Do you consider yourselves a sisterhood or a group of professionals?
The answer to this question is difficult, just as difficult as it was to make this interview happen. We were little more than acquaintances when it all started, what brought us together was a common thread. To this day we have undoubtedly become sisters, but during office hours we are 100% professionals and colleagues! In the beginning – especially when DONNExSTRADA was reaching viral popularity, it was very challenging to separate the work/friend relationship. But after a few disagreements, stretched wires, and the inevitable arguments, we had to establish some rules. We sat at a table, and agreed to be colleagues from 9 to 5 pm and that only after work, we could enjoy each other’s company, take a break, have a beer, and categorically forbid any conversation about work while enjoying being friends.
Caterina (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)
Tell us how DONNExSTRADA began?
DONNExSTRADA was born on a Sunday morning, when I found out about what had happened to Sarah Everard – kidnapped, raped and murdered on her way home at 9pm, in London. This was my trigger, from there onwards I actually realized how many women could die on the streets, how we can be raped, assaulted and harassed everyday. In June 2021, I set up the association DONNExSTRADA – together with some of its current founders – a non-profit organisation that focuses on combating gender-based violence and improving street safety.
Laura (Vice president @DONNExSTRADA)
We came across DONNExSTRADA a while ago and started following their work and initiatives. It was refreshing to find out that such a project was ‘made in Rome’, by fellow roman females. For us that was a turning point, we just had to make this interview happen and have them as our first BEAmuse group project.
You girls had fun at the shooting for this interview didn’t you? Felt like a privilege to see all five of you together.
Yes, it was fun. And as you underline in the question – it was a privilege. Today the five of us constitute the board at DONNExSTRADA and we often travel around Italy and abroad for work. So to find all five of us, in the same city, on the same day, and to be available – it was really special. I must admit that we had agreed on the date for this more than a month in advance, and until the last minute we did not know whether or not Ilaria was going to make it back to Rome in time. But in the end it all worked out. It was the five of us, it was fun, light headed, a gift.
Caterina (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)
All dressed up in BEA studio outfits, did you feel comfortable walking around the city as we did?
I felt very comfortable walking around the city dressed in BEA studio outfits. I really liked the feeling of empowerment that your outfits give.
Ilaria (President @DONNExSTRADA)
With summer and warm temperatures, shorter & lighter attires come out of our closets – for women, this often means having to bear with indiscreet or unwanted judgemental comments on the street. How would you recommend dealing with these situations?
One should deal with these situations in the way that makes them feel the safest. There is no right or wrong way, and we should always bear in mind that we’re not to blame for the harassment we suffer, and that showing our own bodies as we like, is our inalienable right.
Ilaria (President @DONNExSTRADA)

What would you reckon to be the safety-survival kit when going out and about?
To feel safer, I tend to always move in a group. I research the areas and times of the day that are considered as the safest, and I always share my location with close contacts if I have to move alone.
Ilaria (President @DONNExSTRADA)
Should one think of what to wear, based on what the reactions of others on the streets might be?
It’s not about thinking of what to wear when going out, as this is unfortunately an automated thought for us women – to avoid being stared at, harassed, raped. It’s more about the unfairness that unfortunately this is the reality of things, when instead we should be free to dress as we want.
Ilaria (President @DONNExSTRADA)
With so much to do, DONNExSTRADA works round the clock to spark through these dark times. Educating, training, and trying to spread awareness in any way possible. The ‘PUNTI VIOLA’ initiative was conceived with the objective of making the city safer, creating a map of safe zones around town that members of their community can easily access when in need. Another very important part of their work, is to provide accessible legal, psychological, gynaecological, and nutritional support to whomever may need it. We already touched on this topic with a previous BEAmuse interview, with Margherita Laterza we spoke of the importance of a good support system, and the courage it takes to face any situation of abuse.
Tell us about the resources you offer and the professionals that collaborate with DONNExSTRADA.
DONNExSTRADA today offers four active desks covering psychological, legal, nutritional and gynaecological support. We count on a network of more than a hundred professionals that help us provide such services, offered at fixed rates, available on site & remotely. We also have the Punti Viola project specifically designed to provide training and raise awareness within businesses, companies, and professional work environments.
Then we offer the ‘360Seminar’ – which consists of a cycle of 4, one hour training classes for big companies; and the ‘DXS Lab’ that we designed to bring the word to high-school students. To promote dialogue regarding gender violence issues, and the positive use of technology & social media for the younger generations.
Caterina (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)
Which one of the services DONNExSTRADA offers you would say is the one that people use the most?
Definitely the Punti viola initiative. The feedback we’ve had from people about this project has been crazy, we are very grateful to everyone who has participated. From the people who spontaneously volunteered with their businesses, to the many donations we received from individuals and companies, which enabled us to independently continue the training and creation of Punti Viola all over. To everyone who decided to believe in the project, and to all who spoke about it and positively helped us through word of mouth. To this date, if we can count on almost 600 Punti viola, the credit goes not only to our work – but to all the people who made it possible. In fact, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the professionals of our legal and psychological team, who are always available for training.
Caterina (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)
The only natural question is HOW to make ALL OF THIS HAPPEN? The answer is just as easy – COMMUNITY. Laura, Beatrice, Ilaria, Bianca and Caterina are the living emblema of what they created: 5 different people, each one of them with their own expertise and skills-set, coming together for a greater purpose. With well defined roles, and a lot of hard work, these five entrepreneurs made the magic happen.
What’s the hardest moment you have experienced in the past 3 years of DONNExSTRADA?
Apart from the initial period, when the only driving force behind the whole DONNExSTRADA machine was the trust and desire to believe in such project, the most difficult moment for me was November 2024 – more specifically on the 14th of November 2024, when our book ‘Don’t call me love’ came out, the result of more than a year’s work. Caterina, Ilaria, Laura, Claudia and Giulia are the authors and we put a lot of love and effort into it. Writing a book about gender violence in all its various forms wasn’t easy. We wanted the core messages of the book to be as clear as possible, and to be above all, a support to those who are really going through situations in their life, to give strength and hope to those who need it the most.
A few days after the official launch – November 18th, Giulia Cecchettin’s lifeless body was found, the news was the coldest of showers, hitting us loud and strong. She was killed by her ex-boyfriend who could not accept their breakup. This was the most difficult time because a few days later, when we were invited to Florence to talk about our book, we were inevitably asked about Giulia, and sitting in that chair, to talk about her, about the stories told in our book in front of so many people, on a day like that, was personally very difficult. It’s after days like these that the desire to make things change, and to work towards a better world for all of us, grows unstoppable.
Ilaria (President @DONNExSTRADA)
A fun story to share about your experience in this project?
Donnexstrada didn't start as an actual project, it was more of a ‘call to arms’ from Laura. Her energy and visionary way of seeing the world was so powerful, that when we started, walking people home through live streams on IG from the DONNExSTRADA account, it made perfect sense. We all had our own lives, our own paths and our own stories. We didn’t know each other that well, but we shared the desire to do something concrete with our lives, and the lives of others. In less than a year, the profile outgrew its platform and became an association with many active projects, requiring a specific structure, becoming a real job for all of us.
The first year was a nightmare, endless misunderstandings and discussions, to the point that once – during a meeting, we all disconnected at the same time because we were exhausted from the shouting. I feel that the funniest thing is the parody – that those who followed us from the beginning believed it was a project founded by friends, working in places infused with calm and love. When instead we found ourselves dealing with sensitive, important matters & situations, alongside people we really didn’t know that well.
I learnt to listen, both my own self and others. I learnt that only through complicity and trust one can work well. We succeeded because we built our project brick by brick, and when I look back and think of our outbursts I laugh out loud. I am happy today to have four more friends.
Bianca (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)
Walking up and down the vicoli, sharing slices of mortadella and a peroncino while catching up with some friends at one of the first punti-viola they assigned (@ ciao.roma), we could feel the genuine friendship between these girls. Something more than just a professional bond, a relationship based on mutual respect and commitment to a cause.They looked absolutely amazing in our BEA studio outfits, turning heads not because of the flattering fits of our jumpsuits and shorts, but because of the a girl-gang energy, a group of girls having a wild good time, through the streets of the beautiful centre of Rome.

Which of the seven BEAst mode animals (gorilla, rhino, leopard, tiger, polar bear, elephant, sea turtle) represents you the most?
I have always been very curious, I love experiencing and discovering all the different sides of my personality. I would say that all animals in the BEAst – mode collection represent me – even though I secretly hope to hug a gorilla one day.
Bianca (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)
BEAst mode is a collection that features endangered species. What do you think our next collection should be about?
I like your style and I love your designs. But being a photographer with an obvious great weakness for visuals, the first thing that I imagine are suits with photographs of sunsets & sunrises, tides and skies. A bit like a ‘microsoft background’: a BEA-SUNSET collection !?
Bianca (Board councillor @DONNExSTRADA)

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